Episode Summary

Building any kind of startup is hard. Starting a business in healthcare or medical technology is even more challenging, given the long timelines for product development and all the regulatory requirements companies have to meet. But imagine how much harder it would be to start a company if you were still just a senior in high school! Recently Harry learned about a company called Vytal that’s building eye-tracking technology to measure brain health, and he knew he wanted to have the co-founders on the show. Not just because the technology is interesting, but because CEO Rohan Kalahasty and the CTO Sai Mattapali are both 18 years old, and both entering their senior years at Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology in Fairfax County, Virginia. Very few teenagers have ten employees and over a million dollars in seed capital. But that's exactly where Rohan and Sai are right now. Some of the challenges they’ve faced have been absolutely typical—like how to build a network of partners and how to meet government standards for new medical devices. And others have been a little unusual, like how to get time off from school to meet with investors and how to convince their parents that the business won’t take too much time away from their studies. Listen in to hear their whole startup story.


The content above was previously recorded. The views herein were made at the time of this recording and are not updated to reflect changes in economic or financial circumstances. The opinions are those of the contributor and not Scientia Ventures, LLC, its affiliates, officers, or employees. Nothing herein constitutes a recommendation, solicitation, or offer to purchase securities or private funds, which can only be made through the relevant offering documents.